Please feel welcome to join us for Worship Sunday morning or for Bible Study, discussion and prayer on Wednesday evenings

Please feel welcome to join us for Worship Sunday morning or for Bible Study, discussion and prayer on Wednesday evenings
Thank you for visiting the Grace Fellowship Church web site. We are a committed body of believers who believe in the authority of Scripture and the Doctrines of Grace. Our desire is to understand and apply God's written Word to our lives in order to further His kingdom in our own hearts, community and throughout the world. Please feel free to peruse the site and contact us if you have any questions.
~ Solo Deo Gloria
Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:00 a.m.
Worship services at GFC are God-centered rather than man-centered and our fellowhip is real and genuine. Most importantly, God's glory is central and the Word of God governs everything that is believed and practiced.
We all need encouragement, especially those who are serving the Lord Jesus Christ. There is great strength and joy to be shared together as we meet as a family of believers. We know we need to challenge one another to growth in grace, to faithfulness, and to service for our Savior. Walking alone is a recipe for lagging behind and falling. And Jesus has left us here to serve Him in the ministry of the Gospel. Our Lord calls each of His disciples to minister to one another and to the people around us who are strangers to His amazing grace in salvation.
We seek to honor the Lord by a whole-hearted obedience to His revealed will, Our God has called us to a holiness of heart and conduct, so our understanding of discipleship involves the desire to follow Christ in every area of life. It is also our desire to reach out, ministering to physical and spiritual needs our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ, both locally and around the world.